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Our Limudai Kodesh Program


Gemara B’Iyun

For the Gemara B’Iyun program, there is a rotation of Talmudic tractates which include Pesachim, Yevamos, Kesubos, Gittin, Kedushin, Bava Kama, Bava Metziah, Bava Basra, and Sanhedrin. Usually, in a given year, the entire Yeshiva will study the same tractate, but each grade will be studying it at a different level of depth. To illustrate: For Grade 9 students, emphasis will be on fundamental textual skills such as precise reading and translation of the Gemara, Rashi, and Tosfos, mastery of the give-and take (Shakla V’Tarya) of the Talmudic discussion, and only a most basic conceptual analysis. In Grade 12, expectations are significantly higher; students are expected to prepare texts of Gemara, Rashi, Tosfos, and commentaries independently and more emphasis is placed on comparing and contrasting different conceptual approaches to a specific topic.


Gemara Bekius

For the Gemara Bekius program, there are a number of tractates that are studied. Usually these are shorter (e.g. Berachos, Rosh Hashana, Ta’anis, Megillah, Moed Katan, Chaggah, Berachos, Sukkah, Sotah) to allow for the satisfaction of completing the tractate in its entirety. Here, as well, the expectations as to the level of retention vary from grade to grade. Our Grade 12 participates in V’Haarev Na, a learning program which emphasizes review and recall of the Gemara, along with over thirty-five other Yeshivos in North America. Through this program, over the course of the year, many of our Grade 12 students will have reviewed each Bekius “blatt” twenty to thirty times and can identify the precise location of a Talmudic location from memory!


Chumash and Nach

Chumash and Nach also are incorporated into the curriculum. All students are expected to have covered the entire Parshas HaShavuah (with assigned Rashi) and there is a weekly exam (which comprises a portion of the Hebrew grade for Ontario credit). In class, Rabbeim devote time to Nach, focusing on Shmuel, Melachim, weekly Haftaros, and, in their respective seasons, Megillos of Esther and Rus.



Halacha is part of the program for every class. The objectives here are two-fold – the acquisition of a working knowledge of practical Halacha in the areas of Tefillah, Berachos, Kashrus, Shabbos, and Yomim Tovim, and the acquisition of skills for independent study of classic Halachic works such as Chayei Adam and Mishna Berura.

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© 2035 by Ashley Mammon

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